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Bray on Scripture: Experiencing God's Love

The denomination I belong to has been labelled many less than positive things. In fact, I was recently asked about a written statement I made in 2016, where I called...

Pastor, You do not Release Potential

I was reminded recently in a conversation about Nicene Christology how crucial and significant our choice of words is. For the theologically uninitiated, that specific historical debate swirled around a...

Doodle: Trite Comfort from the Sovereignty of God

As someone famously stated about the human experience, perhaps with just a hint of unhealthy cynicism: ‘life is hard, and then you die.’ For most, life is undeniably hard and...

Thank God for the Old Testament

Habakkuk opens with a question, “O LORD, how long shall I cry out for help and you will not hear?” But I imagine many people were asking another question as...

What is 1 Peter all about?

In 5:12 we read, “I have written to you briefly, encouraging you and testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it.” Peter gives us a...

Bonhoeffer on Scripture: God's True and Sufficient Word for Christians

A few weeks ago I started what I hope will be a series of posts developing a robust theology of Scripture. The first two articles looked at the writing of...

4 God Given Uses for the Bible

I recently taught 2 Timothy 3:10-17, on two separate occasions, and found myself stirred by this familiar passage. While studying at college it was a favourite to cite among both...

Can I be Friends with Girls?

Let me start this post with two short anecdotes. Firstly, a couple of years ago I was rebuked by an older Christian man in my church after he saw me...

6 Obstacles to Friendship

Friendship is a wonderful gift from God. Over the years I have gratefully enjoyed its fruits, though not without effort and commitment. On occasion I have been asked to teach...