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Doodle: “Isn't Exclusivity Intolerant?”

Few Christian doctrines are more vehemently scorned than exclusivity. Not only does it presuppose that large swathes of people are, and have been, very wrong about who God is, but...

William Golding and Original Sin

As Lord of the Flies draws to an end, William Golding writes, "Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart." Though the story concludes with rescue,...

Urinal Art & T-Shirt Preaching

If there's any piece of art that typifies postmodernity and repeles modernists everywhere it must be Duchamp's "Fountain": a urinal. Not only disgusting, how does a mass-produced chunk of porcelain...

From Babylon with Pride

It’s been a minute since I last wrote a post. Apparently that’s the new way of saying that it’s been a while. As to why the new street slang uses...


Friendship has been cheapened. Though we have seen no drastic shift in our lifetime I am convinced that we find ourselves in a generally negative trend with regards to friendship....

Unpopular Christianity

Jesus was not a popular man. In the 1st century, throughout history, and today people have struggled not just in coming to him but also in going with him. I...

Our Desires are Met in God

Contrary to what many people think, biblical Christianity is fond of desire. Scripture presents enjoyment and satisfaction in a brightly positive light, yet we are also taught in Scripture where...

Doodle: Resurrection Bodies and The Silmarillion

This year our small groups have worked through Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. With us fast approaching the end of this apparently eclectic, immensely encouraging, and sin exposing epistle...

Exodus: The Journey of God

In his magnificent work on the Pentateuch, The Five Books of Moses, Robert Alter notes that the reader experiences a distancing from God in the book of Exodus. He argues...