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Three books from 2012

It is no secret: there are times when I love books more than people. Because I spend so much time reading I thought that I should offer some book suggestions,...

The Workings out of Women's Work

Given my genetic makeup and consequently the fact that I wear makeup, I am in the position once again where I am required to address my thoughts and beliefs regarding...

Doodle: Idolatry Of The Lesser Known

"Do you think that they're too cool now? Being popular is lame. You're the one who made them popular, all their songs are still the same."  I don't know when...

The road to Emmaus and all the things concerning Christ...

The adventures of leaving theological training to starting in full time church ministry present to me familiar challenges that my three years of training could not solve. And one such...

How can God become King? The Son of God and Jesus Christ

Recently I reread N.T. Wright’s small but helpful book on worship, For All God’s Worth. This practically rich and theologically thought-provoking book was written when Wright was the Dean of...

The Futility of Fighting Sin with Sin

I think I may have started to find narrative more persuasive and more compelling than propositions (that's quite a step for me). Again I have been thinking about Tolkien's Lord...

What is the Gospel: Back to and Beyond Eden

What is the Gospel? When I think over my time at college I can see a definite movement in the way that I would respond to this question. There is...

Yeshua and the Crowd

Reposted from the blog of Francis Spufford's book "Unapologetic" Daylight finds him in a procession again, but this time no one could mistake him for a king. He’s stumbling along under...

Jenson on Hegel: Philosophical and Trinitarian Principles for Relationships

Earlier this year, for my systematics course, we discussed the modern issues surrounding Trinitarian theology I got to work on as essay dealing specifically with the difficulties regarding our doctrine...