Recent Posts

Reflection: Heaven and Friendship

A thought came to me the other day. Large portions of our lives are spent enmeshed with the transient. So much of this life is fading away, receding from view,...

Bonhoeffer on the Cost of Discipleship

Earlier this year I was asked to preach at the first of our quarterly youth rallies. After deliberating for a few days, I decided to preach on discipleship and the...

Coming and Going: Idiom Observations

Some time ago I preached from Mark 6 and thought verse 31b a little weird, “For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat”. Of...

Doodle: An Interpretation of C.S. Lewis' Lizard

In his small masterwork, The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis tells the peculiar story of a Ghost being confronted by an Angel. Sitting upon the Ghost’s shoulder is a small lizard,...


Graham has recently done some thinking on clarity so I wanted to write to clarify my views, not so much for the reader but for my own sake. My major...

Thoughts on Sodom, the Same-Sex Marriage Debate, & Kingdom Theology

From time to time my church runs a type of ‘think tank,’ lead by a member of staff. We discuss culture, ethics and the Christian worldview, along with our approach...

Why We Don't Do Sacrifices

I've finally reached the point in my Bible Education curriculum (part of my ministry is teaching Bible Ed. at a Christian school) where I get to draw all the threads...

Aristotle's Unmoved Mover and the Argument for God's Existence

There is a famous anecdote, retold by Stephen Hawking, about a scientist who was accosted by an old lady after delivering a lecture on how the planets orbit the sun,...

Review: Five Books From 2013

In my last year of high school, for final assessment, I was summoned for external moderation on my English portfolio. Back then we had to list five books we had...