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Samuel Rutherford on Divine Providence

“When the Lord’s blessed will bloweth across your desires, it is best, in humility, to strike sail to him, and to be willing to be led any way our Lord...

The Jokes We Tell

A friend recently returned my copy of Yann Martel’s Beatrice and Virgil. Though it has been almost 2 years since I read it, holding the book in my hands resurrected...

A Light that Shines in the Darkness

I've been reading Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and have loved his narrative. One of the remarkable capacities of story is its emotive power and I've been thinking about how...

Out of the Silent Planet: Modernism and Malacandra

  “To you I may seem a vulgar robber, but I bear on my shoulders the destiny of the human race. Your tribal life with its stone-age weapons and beehive...

Book Reflection: Drops Like Stars

Let's be honest, Rob Bell knows how to communicate. Whether or not we agree with anything he says, Bell knows how to make what he says sexy. Drops Like Stars...

The Trinity: Unity, Community & Equality

One of the most striking truths about the Christian God is that in him there is both unity and community. The formula we use is “one God, three persons, co-equal...

Take the blog out of your own eye

As evidenced by the fact that you are reading what I have written, I am part of the generation that blogs. Those who find themselves a part of this generation...

Ignoratio Elenchi (Latin title: probably irrelevant article)

For a few months I have been considering writing something brief on a remarkably popular line of reasoning that is often employed and yet, utterly fallacious. I began thinking about...

Fools and Firebrands (The Ethics of Deceit in Gameplay)

From lying in a game of Survivor in front of millions of viewers in order to win the million dollars, to a dummy pass in rugby for a clear run...