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Doodle: Driscoll, Perilous Negativism, and the Apostle Paul

Reading through 1 and 2 Timothy recently, it interested me that Paul does not instruct his deputy to adopt a purely combative approach to the false teachers who had crept...

The Magician's Nephew: A Strange but Familiar God

My wife and I recently decided to work through C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia. Growing up functionally illiterate, in a non-Christian home, meant that I stumbled into Narnia as...

How Literary Criticism has Damaged Our View of the Gospels

I few months back I posted lauding literary criticism, propounded specifically by Old Testament scholar Robert Alter. Those posts might have given the impression that literary criticism is faultless, perhaps...

Should Christians Care about Shower Heads and Red Berets?

The reality is that we live in a country in which our leaders command very little respect and are generally not characterised by their integrity or moral fibre. We are...

Who is the Son of God?

Not a bad question if you live in the first century. Most Christians today will tell you without hesitating that the answer to that question is Jesus. What's interesting is...

Andrew Heard's Challenging Points from Generate

A few weeks ago I attended Generate, a church planting conference for leaders and pastors in South Africa. Our speaker was Andrew Heard, senior minister of EV Church and the...

How Aronofsky's Noah Misrepresents God, Man, and Sin

As the dust settles around Noah and Christian audiences set their gaze (or crosshairs) on Son of God I thought I would throw some brief and no doubt far from...

3 Things I Appreciated in Aronofsky's Noah

I watched Noah with my Bible study and we had some interesting discussion afterwards. It's a movie that most of the Christians I hang out with will (and do) hate...

Once upon an Easter in Mzansi...

If I were a storyteller I would tell you about the nostalgic memories of Easter time back in the dusty streets of my village in the North West. I would...