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Rejoice in Adoption

When I was a child I remember feeling a sense of scandal when I found out that someone I knew was adopted. Perhaps the emotion was evoked because, more often...

Can Satan Grow the Church?

If Facebook has taught us anything it is that sensational titles are of paramount importance to being successful online. And I guess if this post were a video the title...

The Qualities that make a Gospel Worker

Many readers will likely know that if I can get the funds I need I will be doing a MA Theology (technically in Biblical Studies) in the States. One of my scholarship...

Spurgeon on Church Gatherings

In February I plodded my way through Spurgeon’s Lectures to My Students and found it to be an immense store of practical but gospel motivated advice for those who teach...

What is Expository Preaching?

I suppose the type of person who reads this sort of blog would, in general, be sympathetic to the notion of "Expository Preaching". All the cool kids are doing it...

Prince Caspian: Conflicting Stories

Similarly to The Horse and His Boy, in Prince Caspian we see the uncertain tension of life between Aslan’s victorious death and his decisive defeat of evil in the future, The...

Stop What You're Doing and Read

I recently picked up a short collection of essays titled Stop What You’re Doing and Read This! The title caught me – not to mention the bright cover – because I...

Song of the Month: I Have a Shelter

I've decided to be more formal with song introduction at Christ Church Hilton. So, starting in the month of January, I'm going to introduce a song each month that I think...

Christ's Temptation and Our Own

I recently posted on Jesus’ temptation in Matthew’s Gospel and argued that the event showed Satan offering Jesus means other than the cross of becoming the Messiah; signified Jesus’ overthrow...