Let's be honest, Rob Bell knows how to communicate. Whether or not we agree with anything he says, Bell knows how to make what he says sexy. Drops Like Stars...
One of the most striking truths about the Christian God is that in him there is both unity and community. The formula we use is “one God, three persons, co-equal...
As evidenced by the fact that you are reading what I have written, I am part of the generation that blogs. Those who find themselves a part of this generation...
For a few months I have been considering writing something brief on a remarkably popular line of reasoning that is often employed and yet, utterly fallacious. I began thinking about...
Hebrew authors, it seems, have a propensity towards the prodigious use of direct speech but rarely reported speech and it seems clear that they were willing to summarise conversations into...
To many of us "Spirit" is a colourless and vague word. The Holy Spirit is a faceless enigma beyond the grasp of our understanding. Yet, He - not "it" -...
“Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart” (1 Peter 1:22, ESV) It is the...
I've just gotten back from visiting a friend who has recently been told by doctors that there is nothing more they can do to help him. His story goes back...