Before joining the Presbyterian church where my wife and I are presently members, I had only ever belonged to churches across a few denominations that celebrated Communion—or the Lord’s Supper—once...
At Hope City Presbyterian we’re teaching through the Westminster Shorter Catechism (WSC). Earlier this year I taught questions 5-6, on the Trinity. Starting here, I hope to develop my teaching...
In September I posted an article on The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, a very popular podcast. My intention wasn’t to engage with the content of the show but...
Last year I formed a reading group that meets on Zoom to discuss literature. Initially our plan was to read Lord Of The Rings through hard lockdown. But towards the...
Many years ago a friend asked this question on social media: “Why is our church so suspicious, and regularly dismissive, of feelings?” It didn’t take long for a mutual friend...
Would you watch porn if the plots were better? That probably sounds like a silly question to most readers. For few people pretend to watch porn for its rich characterisation,...
Like many Christians of a similar vintage as myself, I’ve hugely appreciated Mike Cosper’s well-researched and exceptionally evenhanded Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. It is a podcast series documenting...
However accomplished and capable, for most readers the Russians—particularly Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Leo Tolstoy—pose a substantial problem. While they obviously consist of some of the most important literary works in...
Most mornings I make myself a cup of coffee using our moka pot. For the uninitiated, the moka pot is a stovetop brewer consisting of three parts. Since I started...