Most undergraduate degrees in theology kick-off with a kind of Systematics 101. These are invaluable, serving to introduce budding young theologians and future gospel workers to systematic theology, making them...
Following the success of an earlier edition of his Institutes, John Calvin addressed King Francis I in the preface to a 1535 French edition. This preface was mostly an appeal...
In my own life I’ve seen a marked resurgence of apologetics. This was in part a response to the New Atheism, while other factors exceeding my own abilities of analysis...
Last year I started a series of short posts on the doctrine of the Trinity. These grew out of teaching I did for my local church, on the Westminster Shorter...
It’s that time of the year when many Christians have resolved to read their Bible more regularly—typically using a Bible reading plan, such as M’Cheyne’s. If you’re like me, chances...
I recently wrote an article arguing that the church should celebrate communion every Sunday. I offered five reasons why we should reclaim the Reformation’s emphasis on sharing in the Lord’s...
A friend recently told me about the first and last time he attended a boxing match. We were talking about a couple of my posts asking whether Christians should watch...
A few weeks back I started what I hope will be a short series on the Trinity. In writing, there is no shortage of material regarding God as Trinity. But...
That we are facing unprecedented levels of loneliness and anxiety—among other significant mental health crises—has been well documented. And while we aren’t wrong to identify living through a pandemic as...