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Technological Fundamentalism: Faith In The Digital Age

Responding to predominantly unfavourable letters regarding his essay on consumerism and new technology, Wendell Berry writes: “I can only conclude that I have scratched on the skin of a technological...

Enduring Divine Absence: Joseph Minich’s Work

Have you ever suspected you have tricked yourself into believing Christian claims? Or have you ever been burrowed down with a crippling sense of grief or bewilderment at God’s inability...

Marriage Vows: Should We Forsake All Others?

“Will you love, comfort, honour and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others be faithful to her so long as you both live?” These are some...

Digital Consumerism: Where Is The Line?

‘How far is too far?’ If you were a Christian teen, or have pastored to them, then it’s very likely this is a question you’ve either asked or heard. For...

Fridays with Fred: The Abuse Of Power

Have you been wronged by someone? Do certain memories cause emotional pangs? Have you been hurt by the words or deeds of another? Unfortunately, few people are privileged enough to...

Should You Buy A New iPhone?

Should I buy an iPhone 13? Considering my own financial situation, this question is purely academic. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a question we should thoughtfully consider. We are...

A Eulogy To Friendship

In April the song Forgive Me Friend by Smith & Thell went viral. Listening to the lyrics brought an old post to mind. That post was about the inevitability that...

The Pastor's Wife: Limited Resources And Church Culture

In my first post on the pastor’s wife I pushed back against the authority that is often extended to the pastor’s wife, simply because of her association with the pastor....

3 Marks Of Christian Maturity From Hebrews 5

As a father, I spend a lot of time with a four year old. And I’ve remarked to many that he talks a lot about growing up. He often refers...