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What Trinitarian Analogies Teach Us About Ourselves

At Hope City Presbyterian we’re teaching through the Westminster Shorter Catechism (WSC). Earlier this year I taught questions 5-6, on the Trinity. Starting here, I hope to develop my teaching...

Be Careful How Your Spend Your Attention

In September I posted an article on The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, a very popular podcast. My intention wasn’t to engage with the content of the show but...

The Power of Story to Form Community: Reading Together

Last year I formed a reading group that meets on Zoom to discuss literature. Initially our plan was to read Lord Of The Rings through hard lockdown. But towards the...

"The Heart Is Deceitful," But That Doesn't Mean Feelings Are

Many years ago a friend asked this question on social media: “Why is our church so suspicious, and regularly dismissive, of feelings?” It didn’t take long for a mutual friend...

Would You Watch Porn If The Plots Were Better?

Would you watch porn if the plots were better? That probably sounds like a silly question to most readers. For few people pretend to watch porn for its rich characterisation,...

The Rise Of Self-Righteous Resentment

Like many Christians of a similar vintage as myself, I’ve hugely appreciated Mike Cosper’s well-researched and exceptionally evenhanded Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. It is a podcast series documenting...

Gospel Notes From Underground

However accomplished and capable, for most readers the Russians—particularly Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Leo Tolstoy—pose a substantial problem. While they obviously consist of some of the most important literary works in...

Christian, Go Back To Church

Most mornings I make myself a cup of coffee using our moka pot. For the uninitiated, the moka pot is a stovetop brewer consisting of three parts. Since I started...

Should Friendship Be Costly?

There is no shortage of motivational quotes on social media encouraging us to rid ourselves of people who take more than they give or don’t properly appreciate our efforts. For...