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More Thoughts on "Church at Home"

After Rekindle crashed in December, I welcomed the opportunity to take a break from blogging regularly. But now that we are up and running again, I am enjoying a renewed...

"Church at Home": The Triumph of Pragmatism Over Theology

Can we really do “church at home”? Is it possible to “worship together” as we tune in from our respective lounges? Does viewing our church’s production of a Sunday service...

Kings and Christian Leadership: God Builds His Church

In The Benedict Option, Rod Dreher prophetically cites Matthew 16:18, where Jesus promised, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Dreher warns...

Kings and Christian Leadership: Church Politics

I started this series for a handful of reasons. One of the more important of those is my conviction that the Old Testament is Christian Scripture, which makes it indispensable...

Some Final Thoughts on John 7:53-8:11

A few weeks back I posted an article that argued against preaching John 7:53-8:11. It built on an older piece, outlining some of the major concerns over the authenticity of...

The Last Battle: To Live is Christ

A line found on more than one character’s lips in The Last Battle is, “All world’s draw to an end, except Aslan’s own country”. Death is not the end but...

Should We Preach John 7:53-8:11?

Imagine a Sunday morning at your local church. The band are leaving the stage while the reader makes her way up to the pulpit. She reaches the microphone and announces...

Doodle: Abortion and an Unborn Baby Rhino

I am unaware of a single word that describes the leveraging of misfortune and tragedy to bolster your position in an argument. Though there are plenty of fitting adjectives that...

Men's Sexual Sins and Modesty

Last week I posted an article titled: Immodesty and Violence Against Women. It was prompted by the important conversations currently taking place in South Africa. Because my sphere of influence...