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Doodle: Are Evangelicals Obsessed with Other People's Genitalia?

I couldn’t initially pinpoint why, but this cartoon (pictured above) really got under my skin when I saw it on my Facebook feed. So I put my phone down and...

Should Church Elders Prioritise Mercy Ministry? Considering 1 Timothy

I few weeks back I posted a short article reconsidering the meaning of Acts 6:1-6. As the early church grew so too did the demands for mercy ministry, charity, and...

Charitable Writing is About Character Not Style

As I was offering Charitable Writing to potential reviewers, more than one of them said that it sounded like a book I should read. I’d like to think they did...

Pre-Fabricated Advice is Usually Bad Advice

About a month back I posted a miscellany of bad Christian advice. In response to some of the criticisms I received regarding that post, let me say two things. Firstly,...

Weekly Communion Becomes Routine—And That's Okay

Last year I wrote a couple of articles on communion. The first article argued for the weekly celebration of communion. I made my case theologically, rooting my position in the...

Where Did All the Deacons Go? Reconsidering Acts 6

Most Bible readers will be familiar with the establishment of diaconal ministry in Acts 6:1-6. Of course, the church had helped the needy since Pentecost (Acts 2:45; 4:34-35), making mercy...

Doodle: Follow Jesus, Into The Wilderness

Mark’s Gospel begins with a voice crying out in the wilderness (Mark 1:3). This is where John conducts his public ministry (Mark 1:4), where he baptises Jesus (Mark 1:9), and...

A Miscellany of Bad Advice Offered by Christians

A few weeks back, Tim Challies put together what became a very popular article: 40 Random Pieces of Advice for the Christian Life. His rationale for writing it was that,...

If Jesus Were 'Wild At Heart': The Gospels Reimagined

Annually around Father’s Day John Edlredge’s bestselling book Wild At Heart makes a resurgence. And so, last week, while browsing a local Christian bookstore, my wife asked what I knew...