Recent Posts

Fridays with Fred: Motherhood

Every now and then my articles are au courant and on trend. One might say: current and cool. On occasion I’ve written about topics such as Chris Pratt’s speech upon...

How Failing Greek Can Help You Love God

Earlier this year I started lecturing New Testament Greek, and on Mondays I teach a double class. Before we delve into Jeremy Duff’s Elements of New Testament Greek, I deliver...

Doodle: Our Digital Age Isn't the Golden Age

Midway through 2005 I dropped out of university—and not for the first time. I can clearly remember talking to my understandably worried parents before officially deregistering. Attempting to stave off...

Marilynne Robinson's Model Fathers

I’ve made a point of not crying in public. Perhaps my masculinity is too fragile. Maybe I’ve wrongly associated tears with weakness. Either way, this commitment recently made for an...

You Can't Pop Over to the Friendship Super Store

Having recently relocated, my wife and I have been taking a new route to work. When not driving I’ve been enjoying the new sites, sounds and surrounds. And a couple...

How Learning Greek Can Help You Love God

I recently asked my 1st year class what studying Greek has to do with the Christian life and loving God. I was even able to alliterate my question, by invoking...

Pascal's Wager: Faith Versus Picking the Right Horse

Most Christians will have heard an iteration of what’s called Pascal’s wager. It only appears in the Unclassified Papers section of my Pensées, though I’m sure you can find it...

Fridays with Fred: Parenting

Over the years I’ve said some apparently incendiary things about children and parenting, from arguing that married couples don’t have to attempt to have children and more recently that we...

Doodle: The Best Books from 2022

Last week a friend shared the 26 Best Fiction Books in 2022 with me, published by The Times. Since I’m not a subscriber, this was all I got to read:...