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If All of Life Is Worship Then Nothing Is

The months—or even the years—following COVID-19 were especially challenging for pastors. For it quickly became apparent that the lifting of restrictions related to public meetings didn’t mean everyone was rushing...

Fridays with Fred: Nietzsche, Fyodor and Meteors

Friedrich Nietzsche is often associated with nihilism. This might be because of the assonance between Nietzsche and nihilism. However, that association is also a good indicator that someone hasn’t read...

Doodle: How to Imitate Timothy Keller

Earlier this year I worked on an article for TGC Africa that was eventually titled ‘What Would Keller Do?’ For my millennial readers and older, that title will very likely...

Isaiah 6: The Holiness of God

A few weeks back I wrote a doodle on Isaiah’s commission, drawing on a sermon I preached on the same passage. Since then it’s been my intention to write more...

I'm Not Sure We Need a More Muscular Christianity

Once upon a time I was in a Christian youth group. No, I’m not referring to my time as a volunteer leader or later an actual youth pastor, but my...

Doodle: What Is Man? Dostoyevsky Answers

Chances are, reading the title of this doodle, you could complete the question: “what is man,” as Psalm 8:4 continues, “that you mindful of him, the son of man that...

A Beginner's Guide to Public Theology with John MacArthur

Terry Eagleton famously remarked, “Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book of British Birds, and you have a rough idea of what...

"Should I Even Pray About That?" C. S. Lewis Answers

The Lord’s Prayer opens with that quite peculiar request—”hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9); and two lines later has us praying “your will be done” (Matthew 6:10). Taken together, it...

Two Thoughts on Damascus Road Experiences

I recently had a lengthy conversation with someone who’d been attending our church for a few weeks. She shared her struggle to believe, because of various experiences both inside and...