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We Must Anticipate the Real Dangers of Assisted Suicide

Earlier this week a friend shared an article with me titled We Can’t Afford a Taboo on Assisted Dying. What gave rise to its publication is the Scottish parliament’s present...

Good Friday with Fred: The Cross of Jesus

Friedrich Nietzsche wasn’t coy about his loathing for Christians and the Church; read this, for example. Thus it might come as a surprise to readers that he largely esteemed Jesus...

Fridays with Fred: Like Friendships in the Night

Last year had an opportunity to speak on a topic close to my heart: friendship. It wasn’t recorded but you can listen to a discussion of it, here;you can also...

You'll Never Live a Life Worthy of the Gospel

In Philippians 1:27 Paul exhorts Christians to live in a manner worthy of the gospel. Following that he fills out the picture of such a life. It is marked by...

Is Your Theology Pastoral or Pilpul?

When you walk through the front door of our home you’ll be confronted by my theological library. There you’ll find—if I do say so myself—some outstanding works: Herman Bavinck’s Reformed...

How Knowing Greek Guards Against Prejudice and Partiality

Starting last year—off the back of beginning to lecture at a theological college—I wrote a series of articles exploring the value of studying New Testament Greek. In them I argued...

Doodle: Was J. R. R. Tolkien an Anti-Semite?

Towards the close of The Watchmen, a newspaper editor suggests to his senior that they should run a story about Ronald Reagan running for president in ‘88. The senior replies,...

A Word from Jesus on T. B. Joshua

I woke up this morning to a handful of messages from various people, all about the same person: T. B. Joshua. If you know the name, then you might be...

Stories Are for So Much More Than Escapism

If anyone is willing to sponsor it, I’ll embark on a PhD in literature tomorrow. My question: when did we start treating literature as escapism? This question obviously applies to...