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Doodle: What Is Man? Dostoyevsky Answers

Chances are, reading the title of this doodle, you could complete the question: “what is man,” as Psalm 8:4 continues, “that you mindful of him, the son of man that...

A Beginner's Guide to Public Theology with John MacArthur

Terry Eagleton famously remarked, “Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book of British Birds, and you have a rough idea of what...

"Should I Even Pray About That?" C. S. Lewis Answers

The Lord’s Prayer opens with that quite peculiar request—”hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9); and two lines later has us praying “your will be done” (Matthew 6:10). Taken together, it...

Two Thoughts on Damascus Road Experiences

I recently had a lengthy conversation with someone who’d been attending our church for a few weeks. She shared her struggle to believe, because of various experiences both inside and...

Not Many of You Should Become Teachers (on Mental Illness)

I posted a short article last week on John MacArthur that upset some readers. Admittedly, more care could’ve been taken on my part, especially around my rhetorical mention of senility...

Doodle: Bavinck's Beautiful Vision for Theology

Years back Tim Challies posted a short article after receiving a copy of Michael Horton’s Christian Faith. In that article, Challies admitted to being ill-equipped to review Horton’s work, lacking...

John MacArthur on Mental Health

From time to time, John MacArthur says something so sensational that I’m left to conclude he’s either generating income through web-traffic or growing senile. Given his most recent comments about...

Doodle: Why Wasn't Isaiah's Ministry More Successful?

A few years before the cataclysmic end of Mars Hill, I can remember Mark Driscoll exhorting pastors to preach like Arminians but sleep like Calvinists. And as much as I...

Between Death, Distraction and Existential Dread

None of us can put off death forever. To quote the opening line from Markus Zusak’s Book Thief, “You are going to die”; or Indiana Jones, “We are going to...